Wednesday 15 December 2010

issues with filming

I found out the actor I was playing on using as the main character wont be in until after the holidays. so I had to make some changes. I've made shayanne the main character and Maha a new character to play Mary's friend. For today I will be focusing on my magazine and film poster.

making magazine front cover

I had to change my actor so I've taken a new photograph but I've kept everything the same on my magazine front cover, I had to just change the name from 'Films court' to 'Replay' to make it sound like a film magazine.

institution logo

I had to make some changes to my design as it was to big to fit the screen in imovie. The name Nylon came up because i was thinking of the fabric and also i think it sounds good.

Ihad to fill the background of my institution name in black on photoshop.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Friday 10 December 2010

Taglines for film poster

I've dedcided to use 'We all change at some point', because it goes with my storyline; the whole idea of changing and trying to fit in within the British culture (clash of cultures).

Tuesday 2 November 2010

story board

sound research

character profile

Maha becomes Mary's best friend.When she first meet Mary she thought she was a bit of a freak because of what she was wearing, so she decides to take her shopping and teach her how to speak english properly.

This is Mary who changes her identity to fit into the british society by changing her clothes and accent.

Mary's mother who is a strict and a hard working women who only wants the best for her daughter.

location scouting

Mary will be filmed walking into the sixth-form block.

institution research

Tuesday 19 October 2010


Mary is a young, conventional African who moves to England with her mother to start a new life. Unbeknown to her, her whole life is about to change. She starts a new 6th form as an outsider; people stare at her as if she’s not normal. She then wants to change her ways and fit in with everyone else. she manages to mix in with some girls who at first thought she was weird, they then give her a new look to fit in and they also teach her how to speak good English in order to change her accent. After this transformation her mother is not pleased with his daughter and takes matters in her own hand which leads to an argument and her mother attempts to hit her, Mary then runaways from home in order think things through as to why her mother is not happy with her. Mary then realises why her mother doesn't like the changes that is happening and confronts her mother, reassuring her that even though she has changed her dress scent she will never forget her roots and where she comes from.

Friday 24 September 2010

product research, teaser trailers

The teaser trailer scenes are no longer than 3 seconds; it’s quick and picks up the pace once the man is introduced by riding his bike. Most of the shot changes are either done by slit screen or black out, which gives an insight to what the scene is about. Not much dialogue is used, it doesn’t give to much away. There is also no voice over only music being played through out the teaser trailer which gives a clear idea that this movie is an adventure film and set in one location.

product research, film posters

product research, magazine covers