Wednesday 26 January 2011

Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construton and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q3. What have you leared from yr audience feedback?

These are the results from my audience feedback, overall my audience were satisfied with my three media products working as a promotional campaign. However looking at the improvements that could of been made majority would of like to have seen different camera angles such as close-ups and tracking shots. I feel I could of used a tracking shot at the end of my teaser trailer when shayanne who plays Mary is running towards the camera to make the scene look more reaslistic.
I also found out my audience liked the colours I used for my Magazine front cover because they worked well together to Represent Africa.
I wanted my trailer to intrigue my audience, I feel I have done this by not mentioning where in Africa Mary and her mother come from. Looking at the response to whether majority of my audience would want to watch the film they said yes which I believed created interest to knowing what part of Africa they came from.
Majority of my audience thought my promotional campaign didn't work well because how different the magazine front cover looks as compared to my film poster.

I handed out questionnaires to people in school and showed them my three media product however I also used facebook and made a group. I did this because people would have time to think carefully through the questions I asked and not rush through them.

Q2. How effect is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

final teaser trailer

Sunday 23 January 2011

making film poster

Africa United came out recently when i was in the planning stages for my storyline, which i took inspiration from to have a African based character. During the mock up stages for my film poster I looked at Africa United's film poster and decided to have a white background just like theirs. Looking at the colours they used for the fonts, which are part of the African colours gives it a tropical look.


When i shot my first scene of shayanne walking into the locker area I had some troubles with getting the tripod staright but managed to fix it with some help.
I re-shot the first scene 3 times to get the right one.

film poster font